Project Development Time (Also Known as PDT)

Project Development Time is a student centered opportunity to explore areas of interest in a meaningful way through a variety of learning styles linked to our school wide theme. Project Development Time meets two times a week to allow students to pursue a learning opportunity of their choice. Three sessions take place each year. In the fall, Project Development Time takes place within grade level groupings. The next session clusters students in Kindergarten through third grade and fourth grade through eighth grade groupings. Lastly, the spring Project Development Time, which correlates to the Lincoln Prairie Big Event involves a variety of options for our students Kindergarten through eighth grade. The Big Events that demonstrate their learning are our Community Musical, Lincoln Prairie Exposition (also known as LP EXPO) or Where in the World is Lincoln Prairie (also known as WITWILP) event.

Project Development Time:

  • Is instructionally based
  • Has identifiable learning outcomes
  • Targets the Illinois Learning Standards
  • Provides for in-depth study and inquiry
  • Offers choice
  • Is an opportunity to develop individual strengths and weaknesses especially related to multiple intelligences and learning preferences
  • Provides for flexible grouping by age, interest, and/or skill

Project Development Time meets two times a week to allow students to pursue a learning opportunity of their choice. These sessions last 4-12 weeks.