Behavior Expectations: Keys of Excellence and Living By the Keys

To create a productive learning environment for all of our students, a strong sense of personal responsibility, responsibility to the community, and commitment to everyone’s safety is critical. Please spend time reinforcing our behavior guidelines with your child(ren). Your support is important. When students hear the same message at home and at school, we increase our consistency and chances for success. In order to have an effective community, students need to understand the roles and responsibilities that come with community membership.

Strong communities have a common language and clear expectations. We will continue our school-wide philosophy of expecting responsible, respectful, safe behaviors from our students. Underlying this approach are the democratic principles of balancing individual rights with rights of the school community. The expectations are as follows:

A Lincoln Prairie Student will:
  • act in a way that is safe and healthy for themselves and others.
  • treat school property and the property of others with respect.
  • respect the rights and needs of others.
  • take responsibility for their own learning.
  • be respectful for the learning environment and not act in a disruptive manner.

All students will also be introduced to Quantum Learning Keys of Excellence throughout the year. All students will be taught what each means and how a person acts who is following the key.

The eight keys include the principles of:

1.  Integrity
2.  Speak with good purpose
3.  Commitment
4.  Flexibility
5.  Failure leads to success
6.  This is it!
7.  Ownership
8.  Balance

We use an instructional approach that is based on self-control, responsibility, and consequences. We will continue to reinforce these values through community service. Community service can be voluntary if a student expresses a desire to contribute, or assigned if a student needs to make restitution, or give back to the community when they have made a poor choice.

The Lincoln Prairie Behavior Matrix was implemented during the 2009-2010 school year to help refine our expectations and hold the entire LP community responsible for the growth of our students.

Lincoln Prairie Behavior Matrix

We will continue to evaluate and refine all aspects of our plan. We know that our students are bringing a variety of experiences and expectations to Lincoln Prairie. We also know creating an environment of respect, self-control and responsibility is not an easy task; however, we are confident that consistent expectations and instruction will help us achieve these goals.

  • Hallways
    • Quiet in hallways
    • Follow directions
    • Maintain personal space
    • Use appropriate language
    • Be aware of the people around you
  • Recess/Playground/Lunch
    • Include everyone
    • Play fairly
    • Use good sportsmanship
    • Listen to adults
    • Use problem-solving strategies
    • Use appropriate language
    • Use good manners
    • Keeps hands and feet to self
  • Bus
    • Listen to drive
    • Use appropriate language
    • Use problem solving strategies
    • Keep hands and feet to self
  • Arrival/Dismissal
    • Listen to patrols and adults
    • Use appropriate language
    • Use good manners
    • Keep hands and feet to self
  • Bathroom
    • Give privacy to others
    • Use quiet voices
    • Keep hands and feet to yourself
    • Use appropriate language
  • All Areas
    • Honor cultural differences
    • Use kind words
    • Time and place conversation
  • Hallways
    • Stay to the right
    • Close lockers quietly
    • Maintain personal space
    • Help others if needed
    • Keep locker/hallway clean and organized
    • Head straight to your destination and return
  • Recess/Playground/Lunch
    • Include everyone
    • Dress for the weather
    • Ownership of words and actions
    • Recycle
    • Clean up space and wipe down table/microwave
    • Stay in your seat
  • Bus
    • Follow directions
    • Maintain personal space
  • Arrival/Dismissal
    • Be on time
    • Quiet voices
    • Go directly to locker and head right to class
  • Bathroom
    • Be quick
    • Keep area clean
  • All Areas
    • 100 percent effort
    • Own your learning
  • Hallways
    • Walk appropriately
    • Don’t open outside doors
    • Carry pass at all times for appropriate destination
  • Recess/Playground/Lunch
    • Use equipment properly
    • Play safely
    • Stay in designated area
    • Eat your own food
    • Ask before you leave
    • Listen to adults
  • Bus
    • Quiet voices
    • Bottom to bottom back to back
  • Arrival/Dismissal
    • Listen to patrols and adults
    • Use crosswalk and sidewalks
    • Walk
    • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Bathroom
    • Wash hands
    • Keep feet on the floor
    • Carry pass
    • Use equipment properly
  • All Areas
    • Maintain personal space
    • Use equipment appropriately